Implicit Bias refers to the attitudes, beliefs or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases often manifest themselves in the forms of microaggressions and stereotypes. Everyone has Implicit Bias, but few of us are aware of it and how it impacts our daily experiences. For educators, Implicit Bias may have a negative effect on our students’ behavioral and academic outcomes. This session shares real-life examples of different Implicit Bias, Microaggressions and Stereotypes, how they impact our schools and provides practical strategies to address and confront them in ourselves and others.    Read more

In this course, educators identify key elements of a trauma-informed pedagogy and design a healing-centered learning environment for students.  Read more

Many students are impacted by trauma, and educators need to understand how experiencing traumatic events can manifest in a variety of student behaviors. In this course, you will learn about the physiological, psychological, and behavioral impact of trauma on students and how to work with your multi-tiered support system (MTSS) in your school to support learners with trauma.   Read more

In this course, educators will learn how secondary traumatic stress, also called compassion fatigue, manifests and how to practice self-care to minimize or prevent secondary traumatic stress. Read more

Helping all children learn is our goal as educators. In this course, you will learn specific techniques and approaches to support learners who may be experiencing refugee trauma.  Read more

This course will discuss race-based trauma, its cause and effect, and offer educators research-based tools to address it. This information will also help educators create healing-centered environments for all students.  Read more

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