This course explains what poverty-related trauma is and how it can impact student behavior and the ability to learn. The course will also provide guidance for educators on how best to support students experiencing this type of trauma and how to create an overall empathetic classroom environment. Implementing these methods will ultimately benefit all of your students, not only those experiencing trauma. Read more

This professional development develops a shared knowledge of untold aspects of the construction of race and racism. We explore an analytical framework to ascertain the practices that currently sustain White supremacy culture in our institution and some ways to counteract them. We are able to message approaches to frame narratives that motivate others to disrupt White supremacy culture and advance racial justice. Read more

The ESP Professional Growth Continuum, published by NEA, identifies Communication as one of the eight Universal Standards that describe what education support professionals should know and be able to do. If you haven't spent a lot of time exploring the communication standard, that is OK! This course, which contains seven lessons, will help you gain a solid understanding of responsible, effective communication at work.  The ESP Professional Growth Continuum outlines skills and knowledge related to communication (and all of the eight Universal Standards) at three levels of practice. Those are: Foundational (I know this) Proficient (I do this consistently) Advanced/Mastery (I lead this) This self-paced, independent study course can be explored on your own, or with colleagues. It has been developed by NEA members and staff specifically for ESPs, and features the perspectives of education support professionals just like you. Read more

The ESP Professional Growth Continuum, published by NEA, identifies Cultural Competence as one of the eight Universal Standards that describe what Education Support Professionals should know and be able to do. If you haven't spent a lot of time exploring or focusing on cultural competence at work, that is OK! This course, which contains seven lessons, will help you gain a solid understanding of what cultural competence is, why it matters, and how to make it a valuable part of your day-to-day work.  The ESP Professional Growth Continuum outlines skills and knowledge related to cultural competence (and all of the eight Universal Standards) at three levels of practice. Those are: Foundational (I know this) Proficient (I do this consistently) Advanced/Mastery (I lead this) This self-paced, independent study course can be explored on your own, or with colleagues. It has been developed by NEA members and staff specifically for ESPs, and features the perspectives of education support professionals just like you. Read more

The ESP Professional Growth Continuum, published by NEA, identifies Ethics as one of the eight Universal Standards that describe what education support professionals should know and be able to do. If you haven't spent a lot of time exploring the ethics standard, that is OK! This course, which contains seven lessons, will help you gain a solid understanding of ethics at work.   The ESP Professional Growth Continuum outlines skills and knowledge related to ethics (and all of the eight Universal Standards) at three levels of practice. Those are: Foundational (I know this) Proficient (I do this consistently) Advanced/Mastery (I lead this) This self-paced, independent study course can be explored on your own, or with colleagues. It has been developed by NEA members and staff specifically for ESPs, and features the perspectives of education support professionals just like you. Read more

The ESP Professional Growth Continuum, published by NEA, identifies Health and Safety as one of the eight Universal Standards that describe what education support professionals should know and be able to do. If you haven't spent a lot of time exploring the Health and Safety standard, that is OK! This course, which contains seven lessons, will help you gain a solid understanding of how to access important health and safety information, as well as what to keep in mind when making important health and safety related decisions at work.   The ESP Professional Growth Continuum outlines skills and knowledge related to health and safety (and all of the eight Universal Standards) at three levels of practice. Those are: Foundational (I know this) Proficient (I do this consistently) Advanced/Mastery (I lead this) This self-paced, independent study course can be explored on your own, or with colleagues. It has been developed by NEA members and staff specifically for ESPs, and features the perspectives of education support professionals just like you. Read more

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