Organizing Competency Assessment Mobilizes, activates and engages members and leaders to support internal and external relationships and Association capacity to: recruit, retain and identify diverse groups of members and leaders; and advance strategic priorities at the national, state and local levels. Read more

Social and Emotional Intelligence Understands the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that create healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collective goals; demonstrates ability to feel and show empathy, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible, caring decisions. Read more

Strategy and Fiscal Health Competency Assessment Use Association resources responsibly to accomplish the goals of the Association through strategic thinking, effective financial management and understanding of fiduciary responsibilities. Read more

Professional Learning TEACHING and LEARNING in the AGE of AI Learning About & Learning with Artificial Intelligence in Education Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing technology actively changing how we teach, learn, work, and live. Educators must be afforded high-quality, multifaceted, ongoing professional learning opportunities that help them increase their AI literacy and understand what, how, and why specific AI is being used in their educational settings. This course is for all educators interested in understanding and leveraging AI tools in their practices. It explores the foundational concepts of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential educational applications. Educators will learn to integrate AI tools effectively and ethically into teaching, learning, and administrative processes while fostering AI literacy among students. Read more

In this course, we will introduce the importance of creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ students, and especially those who are Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). We will review NEA’s Racial Justice Framework, data from the nation’s leading research organizations on LGBTQ+ youth and discuss how we as educators can intentionally create safer spaces for LGBTQ+ students. Read more

Walking the Talk: Classroom Strategies for Addressing LGBTQ+ Bias is the second of six courses in the NEA’s LGBTQ+ training series. Stereotypes and prejudice are the seeds of bias, and the reality is that all humans hold some degree of bias. Unfortunately, whether conscious or unconscious, acting on a bias has profound negative effects on students, especially those who are LGBTQ+ and BIPOC. Read more
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