This course, designed for educators and education leaders, provides an overview of effective messaging and communication strategies on controversial issues. It also offers resources and models for talking to constituents about the need to address LGBTQ+ related bias in schools, advocating for LGBTQ+ affirming policies, and providing LGBTQ+ inclusive education. Read more
Walking the Talk: Classroom Strategies for Addressing LGBTQ+ Bias is the second of six courses in the NEA’s LGBTQ+ training series. Stereotypes and prejudice are the seeds of bias, and the reality is that all humans hold some degree of bias. Unfortunately, whether conscious or unconscious, acting on a bias has profound negative effects on students, especially those who are LGBTQ+ and BIPOC. Read more
This course will introduce participants to the process of mentoring a new teacher. The participant will also review the four key themes of an effective classroom as defined by The Framework for Teaching Clusters © The Danielson Group, Inc.. Additionally, the participant will apply the learning by developing their plan for the initial conversation with their mentee. Read more
This course will continue building the participant’s understanding of the process of mentoring a new teacher and give a detailed explanation of the mentoring cycle. The participant will also review the four key themes of an effective classroom as defined by the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards. The participant will be taken through the phases of the mentoring cycle and given tools for diagnosing mentees’ needs, planning for interventions, setting new goals, and reflecting on the mentoring process. Finally, the participant will apply the learning by completing the first mentoring cycle with their mentee. Read more
In this 5-hour course, you will be introduced to the principles of adult learning and facilitation strategies for leading a Professional Learning Community (PLC) focused on the National Education Association (NEA) Micro-credential program. You will learn how to design and facilitate PLC meetings that engage and support adult learners, and that help participants to develop the skills and knowledge needed to earn an NEA Micro-credential. This course will explore the use of effective facilitation techniques, including the GROWTH coaching model, peer feedback and questioning techniques, virtual facilitation strategies, and reflective practices. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to practice and develop your facilitation skills and to reflect on your own experiences as a facilitator. Whether you are new to facilitation or an experienced practitioner, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead and support adult learners in a PLC setting. Read more
A Racial Equity Tool is used for making decisions with deliberate attention to racial justice, social justice, equity, and inclusion. It provides a guide and protocol for race- and equity-conscious decision-making that is thoughtful, transparent, participatory, and systematic. This course will explore the importance of applying a Racial Equity Tool to our collective work, decision-making, and planning. Read more
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