We need a be continuously building a movement of pro-public education supporters to stand up and take action if we’re going to continue winning for our students and schools. Unfortunately, most people will not get involved unless they are asked, and that’s where you come in. Learn the strategies and tactics on how to effectively reach out to your network and ask them to get involved while empowering and compelling them to take action. Read more

Mobilize America helps you stay up to date on the events being held by your favorite organizations so you can easily stay involved and informed. Learn how you can find and sign up for events & actions that interest you and then share them with your network. Read more

Este desarrollo profesional crea un conocimiento compartido de aspectos desconocidos de la construcción de la raza y el racismo. Exploramos un marco analítico para determinar las prácticas que sostienen actualmente la Cultura de la supremacía blanca en nuestra institución y algunas maneras de contrarrestarlas. Somos capaces de transmitir enfoques para enmarcar narrativas que motiven a otros a acabar con la cultura de la supremacía blanca y promover la justicia racial. Read more

This course examines the deficit/medical and social models of disability and explores their implications on society and educational practices. Learners will gain an understanding of ableism and learn about ways to challenge stereotypes and biases that impact individuals with disabilities. Additionally, this course will address intersectionality, including what it is, its implications for people with disabilities, and the ways that bias and ableism have distinct implications for multiply marginalized people with disabilities. Read more

Professional Learning CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Using a Trauma-Informed Approach to Create an Individualized Behavior Support Plan This module focuses on building an educator’s understanding of how trauma can impact student responses and behaviors. The module also promotes the educator’s ability to create and maintain a student’s positive engagement in all aspects of learning and interactions, actively minimizing the frequency, intensity, and duration of outbursts. Read more

NEA BL - Teacher Leadership: Instructional Competencies (Facilitated Learning) Teacher leadership is no longer optional. Both research and practice have demonstrated its importance in student learning, teacher retention, school culture, school improvement, the crafting of sound education policy, and productive and innovative teachers’ associations. Those who engage in teacher leadership in any capacity have seen its impact on their students and colleagues, but the evidence goes far beyond the anecdotal. Read more

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