Participants will explore presuming competence and adopting an asset-based approach for students with disabilities. The course covers recognizing and leveraging students' unique strengths, understanding disability language choices, and the impact of person-first and identity-based language. Additionally, participants will learn about anti-ableist language to create inclusive and affirming environments. Read more

In this course you will explore how communication among parents, colleagues, and students plays an integral role in shaping an engaging, equitable, and safe learning environment. Read more

Professional Learning CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Aspects of an Engaged Classroom In this course, participants will learn strategies to foster student engagement in a well-managed classroom. Developing culturally responsive, relevant, and high-interest instruction that accommodates differentiation will increase student interest and create an environment that promotes shared learning experiences, collaboration, discourse, and alternate avenues for learning that will fit the needs of all students. Read more

Educators will explore and understand historical inequities in education, identify how this impacts the public education system, schools, students, and families. Read more

Educators will be able to define and describe implicit and explicit bias and identify how bias influences decisions, actions, and behaviors with students and families. Educators will also identify specific actions they can take to disrupt bias in their classrooms, schools, and districts. Read more

Through this course, educators will be guided to define and identify examples of inequity in education and understand the impact of those inequities. They will also reflect on their current practice and develop action steps that promote equity, inclusion, and belonging. Read more
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