Our youngest learners are navigating the world online and off. How can we best accommodate the digital world, keeping our early childhood students’ diverse and unique needs in mind? Using technology to provide learning, but knowing when offline options are best or better—a look at evaluating technology and developing online activities for our students with parent supports Y5-2. Read more

Originally aired Tuesday, November 28, 8 P.M. ET This recorded webinar includes a panel discussion with Native Indian/Alaska Native educators as they explore their experiences in public education. Learn how they incorporate their culture into the school environment. Take what you learn about Native American Heritage and apply it to your classroom, not just in November but in every month of the year. Read more

Strengthening family, school, and community bonds is a critical factor in raising student achievement, closing achievement gaps, and attaining school improvement goals. In this webinar you will learn how to use NEA Family and Community Engagement Micro-credentials to strengthen your relationships with families and community members. Read more

Talking about racial justice in public education—constructively, honestly, and openly—is difficult. As educators, we must continually challenge and dismantle, piece by piece, the structures, policies and implicit biases we all have that prop up white privilege at the expense of students and families of color. To do anything less is to deny the world in which our students live, to concede that some students deserve less. Read more

Student engagement remains a top priority for teachers as we welcome students back into the traditional classroom. Teachers will use this session to develop or improve on social-emotional learning and safe space practices. With an emphasis on communication and practices building empathy, participants will work to improve their emotional intelligence within themselves and within their instructional practice. Building relationships and making connections is critical in these unprecedented times, and by doing so we can increase student engagement in rigorous curricular lessons. Read more

Traditional grading practices often go unexamined despite their potential for harm. This webinar is designed to critically examine assumptions about grading, look at current grading practices, and imagine alternatives to the status quo. Read more
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