1.Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First: Cultivating Healing and Wellbeing in Ourselves (part 1)

1 module


Course Length
1 hour

Brandy Bixler

06 Apr 2023

$0 - 15



Reconnecting and recharging are foundational for humanizing our work and precursors to teaching and learning whether that be with kids or adults. Part 1 of this 2 part series starts with self. In this session, you will learn strategies to develop greater self-awareness and self management through mindful practices. These skills can support your own healing journey and reconnect you to your true purpose to bring greater fulfillment in your professional life.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Teacher Quality Certificate

Learning credits

1. Put on Your Own Oxygen Mast First: Cultivating Healing and Wellbeing in Ourselves (part 1)
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Added 1 day ago, by Nikki
Added 4 days ago, by Paula
Very interesting
Added 5 days ago, by Anonymous
This course was very helpful in setting my mind to a more positive outlook. To often I feel bad when I say no to a colleague that may need some help but I may be busy myself and want to focus on me. To often I think that is wrong when in reality it is OK to put me first sometimes.
Added 6 days ago, by Savanah
Added 6 days ago, by BONNIE
Added 16 days ago, by Anonymous
It is sad that so many occupations, but especially teaching is such a stressful job. There used to be so much more joy and so much less stress. I wish we could go back in time when I really felt like my teaching friends and I were truly a "family" who took care of one another.
Added 16 days ago, by Douglas
Added 16 days ago, by Janice
Added 18 days ago, by Gina
Added 21 days ago, by Brad

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