CAMI: Coaching to Improve Classroom Instruction by Leveraging Digital Tools (Independent Study)

1 module


Course length
5 hours

Shelly Stanton

14 Mar 2023

$0 - 40 + Sales tax


The goal of instructional coaching is to improve classroom instruction for learners and to increase teacher effectiveness. To do this many facets of instruction, relationships, and technology must be considered. These include a basic understanding of technology tools, exploration, an awareness of coaching models, and an understanding of diversity, equity, and cultural competence. But most importantly, it entails melding those things with the needs of your coachees and school district. 


Throughout the course, you will create a needs assessment to identify gaps in which teachers may grow, design a plan to improve partnerships, increase student success, and reflect using a digital product – like the ones you will learn about and practice as a coach.


  • Learn about the impact of student and teacher identities and mindsets on student performance
  • Learn how to support teachers to shift their thinking about students they are challenged by in order to effectively teach every student
  • Begin planning how to build a partnership with teachers and support them to build learning partnerships with students
  • Plan and practice using different coaching interventions


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Teacher Quality Certificate

Learning credits

CAMI: Coaching to Improve Classroom Instruction by Leveraging Digital Tools (Independent Study)
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